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God Is Never Late

God is never late.

Do you believe that?

This past Sunday morning, the same question was posed to me and with the heaviness of my situation in mind, I took a second to mull it over.

But no more than a second before answering, "Yes, I do believe that God is never late. I do believe He is always on time."

Even after six years of waiting for an answer; six years of waiting for a miracle, I still believe that to be true. I mean, I don’t know exactly how He could be on time in my situation after so long or how it will all come together but I believe that He will make it come together in my favor. That He will restore the years that have been robbed from me. That He will make a way where there seems to be none. That one day, I will look back from the other side of this stormy sea; from atop the mountain down on this valley and I will praise the Lord for the good things He has done for me. I may not feel much like praising right now but I am anticipating the day when that’s all I’ll want to do, as I think about how far God has brought me. As I round my victory lap. As I hold His fulfilled promises in my arms. 

I may not know much of what to believe for in this season of my life or have much of a sense of direction in this darkness and shadow. But the one thing I can count on, my anchor in the middle of it all, is the unchanging character of God. 

So, when everything else is falling apart and it looks like there’s no way up, I am reminded that my God has wings. When everything around me shouts a resounding “no way”, I am reminded that my God is Yahweh and all of His promises are “yes and amen”. When I can’t find my way out and I’m terrified of the war I find myself in, I remember that if God is for me, no one can stand against me and He makes highways out of seas and pathways in the wilderness. He is for me, He is guiding me, He has a plan. He is never late.

You may be looking at the timeline of your life right now, wondering what in the world is going on. How did I get here? Why am I not where I want to be? Trust me when I say, if you’re focused on God, you’re exactly where you need to be. The things that God has for your life, they will come to you. The promises that God has spoken over you, they’re yours if you’ll receive them. It may feel hopeless and you may feel helpless but friend, we are not alone nor are we forgotten. If you have nothing else to hope in right now, hope in the character of God, believe in the simple fact that He is who He says He is and will do what He said He would do. Even if you can’t possibly understand what that would even look like for your situation, He’s the God of impossible things.

In the book, "Alice in wonderland: Through the Looking Glass". by Lewis Caroll, there's a conversation that happens between Alice and the Queen that I love to reference. Alice, says she can't believe something because it seems impossible and states, “‘There’s no use in trying’, ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’” and the Queen replies, “‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice.' 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’”.

“Six impossible things before breakfast” that’s my favorite part.

I love that quote and I dare you to practice doing the same. When you wake up in the morning and all the worries of your life start flooding your mind, muddying your thoughts, believe an impossible thing. Even if you don’t know how, believe that what seems unfathomable, improbable, unreachable to you, is a mundane Monday for God. Try believing six impossible things before breakfast and then when you sit down to read your Bible, that day or the next, notice just how probable it really is for the God who slays Giants with slingshots and makes a habit of raising dead people to life. 

I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but I believe that you, God, will make it happen.

As I was writing these words out, the Holy Spirit brought to mind Isaiah 60:22 where God says, “I am Yahweh; I will accomplish it quickly in its time” and man, do I love the truth of God’s character laid out in that verse. Especially in light of what we are discussing. Because it's not just the truth that His will will be done or the inherent meaning of YHWH which states "I am who I am". It's not just the truth that what He has told you, will come to pass but moreover, that it will happen quickly when the time is right. The acceleration of God’s will is something I am in complete awe of and it is unlike anything the world can offer you. You might feel left behind right now, hell, you might actually have been left behind (by everyone else) but just you wait! Wait for the Lord and you won’t just get there, you’ll fly there at supersonic speed. The work God is doing in you, the things He is preparing you for, that kind of readiness and swiftness can’t be bought or bartered in this world. It can only be cultivated in a hidden secret place until it’s time to be revealed. It’s as though you’re a seed being planted in the soil which, I’m sure, has felt a lot like being buried. You’ve been growing but the growing has felt a lot like breaking down and shedding your own skin. There you are though, this little seed bursting forth with new life that often feels like death in the dirt of your circumstances but just wait for that miracle-grow to kick in, just you wait. You may be looking at the wildflowers all around you, wondering if you’ll ever grow that high, if you're roots will ever be that deep, wishing it would just stop hurting, that it would just be easy for you like it seems to be for them. Comparing your timeline to theirs but you are not a rose or a sunflower darling, so you can’t grow in their season. You are an oak tree and when it is your time to rise from the ground and soar to new heights, you’ll spring up fast and fiercely and be a hundred times taller and stronger than any of those flowers you’ve spent time comparing yourself too. One day soon, they’ll be looking up at you, flourishing in the shade of your branches, wishing they had what you had. God has bigger plans for you than what you see in the lives of those around you. You are waiting, not because you’re less favored, not because you're lacking, not because you’ve been abandoned but because there is more potential in you than you can imagine. Potential that requires preparation. Potential that can’t afford to be handled haphazardly but must be met by careful practiced hands. 

God may not get there early, He may not get there when you want Him to, but rest assured He is never late which means YOU are never late either. And that help, that miracle, that rescue you’ve been searching for is already here. Believe that and if it seems impossible, add it to your list of six impossible things you believe before breakfast.


That’s who I praise- Brandon Lake

My six (seeming to me) impossible things to believe before breakfast:

  1. I won’t just be healed, I will be made whole!

  2. The answer will validate and vindicate me and every struggle and pain I’ve endured up until this point.

  3. This healing is not just for my body but my mind and soul and spirit too. Total healing.

  4. The financial provision and blessing God has in store for me will completely blow my mind and every need will be met, not just mine but even the needs of those in proximity to me as the blessing overflows.

  5. These next six months will change everything, for my good and for His glory.

  6. I will dance like David danced with the breath of the Lord in my lungs and testimony on my breath.

What are your 6?

( It’s funny how it’s six impossible things isn’t it?Of all the numbers it could’ve been, I can’t help but notice the significance there, especially considering how the number after six is seven, the number of completion. Maybe there’s a mini lesson in there somewhere about giving to God our list of six (seeming to us) impossible things and watching how he turns our six into a completed work. A list of seven things done, the seventh lap is the victory lap, the seventh day is the day of rest. We give him our six and he gives us the seventh. Or something like that 😉 )


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